
The most persistent trait of Ion Water Technology that pervades all dimensions of business is our consistent commitment to Quality Products. Commitment to quality is a way of life at Ion Water Technology. What has won our products recognition the world over is the fact that our definition of "Quality" means taking into account customer's requirements and expectations, keeping price at its competitive best, without losing the sight of environmental stewardship.

Quality Assurance

It is absolutely essential to ensure that the goods produced are of the right quality to ensure trouble free operation at site. It is also essential that the inputs used meet stringent quality requirement, which is a prerequisite for meeting the finished product specifications. To fulfill this important requirement Ion Water Technology has a well laid out process

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  • Our mission is to provide customized & cost effective water treatment solutions and services to our esteemed customers.
  • We believe in building partnerships with our customers based on technical integrity, honesty and commercial transparency.
  • We are committed to continuous improvement in both the skill sets of our people and the quality of our products.
  • We firmly believe in the principles of Quality Management and shall continuously review and upgrade the same.
Ion Water Technology has a well laid out process
  • Every raw material purchased has laid down specifications.
  • Vendors provide quality certificate with each of their consignment.
  • Vendors that provide quality certificate are preferred.
  • Goods not meeting our specification are rejected and not used.
  • Raw materials that have minor deviations are used only with the proper approvals.
  • Production manufactures the products strictly as per the procedure laid down in the Production Manual.